Stop calling me via that silly wooden board. It is bugging I! I hate strangers doing silly rituals in me drawing room!!!
I'm breakin' cake down
I'm not the meat
I know you feel my saucepan is flying
oh, oh , oh, oh
like it like this
I'm not the cake
=don't touch me beef wellington=
oh dear, what a lovely music box you have
posts **no text** ugly modern linux desktop on overboard, hoping that it will be moved to /spam/ but the post stay.
Damn! I *****ing hate biased moderations of this shithole...
now if you post Solaris desktop, ctwm without subject / desc. It is likely to get cucked.
Supposing I were to kiss you under the mistletoe. Miss Lovejoy, what would you do?
"Do?" Why, award you a laurel wreath to be sure
"you should always wear your sash + three piece frockcoat even when you do your shopping at the local supermarket"
shouldn't we stick to the phrase 'All men are created equal'?
Sometimes I do not understand her...