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1705164792 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-13 16:53:12

can you tell me if anything interesting has happened on c@tch@n in the last three or four days
like britfag going to prison or some ********** getting doxxed
im really trying to stay off the site myself unless something big happens

18 replies omitted. Click here to view.

1705253355 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-14 17:29:15

im going be honest firmware settings are really difficult histywisty
i can make an assumption and say try to find the bios settings but you could be on a sparc system by now
you already know the generics im sure everything else is system dependent and extremely personal

1705274331 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-14 23:18:51

I see, the easiet solution is to get a new chopping board that has "transmit with VPN" feature. I've got a new one but it won't route my orbs through VPN.

For terminal speed, setting up baud rate on tty1 using setserial can cause ctloi!? error, therefore, has no impact on how fast or slow orbs work.

Using stress on orb compact boxes / slates with non i3, i5, i7 *****us that allow underclocking, which are easier to find at very afford price, is the only workaround. Most modern mobile *****us-incl. the i3,i5, i7-allows you to set lower freq but the "i" series are too powerful to achieve the "constructing" artifacts. I could get very close to VT220 but nothing can really surpass The DEC. The DEC has smooth scrolling, better cathode, etc...

It has become a norm that orbs must work quicker and harder, so tech giants can get more profits from producing portable, lightweight supercomputers at affordable price whereas they didn't realise how entertaining it is to watch orbs work in real-time on your warm cathode.

1705277275 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-15 00:07:55

i said pty not real tty
but stty seams limited on lincucks and cant go below speed 75
all i do is open a new xterm and
stty speed 75
now look at it
stty -a
but xterm and stty have some other options that doesnt make it really operate at 75 baud
It has become a norm that orbs must work quicker and harder

theres 1024 times more orbs on those boxes
stress kills orbs and panware
its similar to sending them to a consternation camp for no reason and putting your suacepans in an industrial incinerator


1705170489 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-13 18:28:09

there is something you may be interested in here
https: anon cafe/shelter/res 4994.html

1 replies omitted. Click here to view.

1705172423 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-13 19:00:23

of course bigbully is instantly in there shilling
embarrassing thread for all involved

1705172905 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-13 19:08:25

i neither relate or associate with spartzfags that arent as funny as orang (dead)
not my problem
surprised he isnt dumb enough to join the vebring pigcage
really annoyed that faggot is going around imageboards outside its containment hasnt seamed to reply again since i waited a week to check for a reply i didnt think was there

1705275693 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-14 23:41:33


What is "spartzfags"?


1705188158 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-13 23:22:38

At a party a few evenings since, as a ***** gentleman named Frost was eating
an apple in a quiet corner by himself, a ***** lady came up and gaily asked
him why he did not share it to her. He good-naturedly turned the side which
was not bitten towards her, saying. "Here, take it, if you wish." "No, I
think you," she exclaimed, looking at him archly. "I would rather have one
that is not frost-bitten!" and ran off to join the company, leaving poor
Frost with a thaw in his heart.

1705199752 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-14 02:35:52

frosty tbh

1705274943 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-14 23:29:03


To wrap up, frosty really was frosty

"Fast" Phraseology.

1705240424 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-14 13:53:44

"Expensive 1s., come to 5 T 6." which meant

"Dear Bob, come to tea between 5 and 6."


starry and cold

1705238504 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-14 13:21:44

the night is starry and cold, my friend.
the night really is the night


say you

1705217189 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-14 07:26:29


1705236460 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-14 12:47:40

Well, my dearest orb. For I couldn't find any fireware settings


On one occasion,

1705013594 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-11 22:53:14

On one occasion, in the neighborhood of Hampstead Health, a ruffianly
driver was pummelling a miserable bare-boned hack-horse. Lord Erskine's
sympathy provoked him to a smart remonstrance. "Why," said the fellow,
"it's my own; mayn't I use it as I please?" And as he spoke he discharged
a fresh shower of blows on the raw back of the beast. Lord Erskine,
excessively irritated, laid on his walking-stick sharply over the
shoulders of the offender, who, crouching and grumbling, asked him what
business he had to touch him with a stick. "Why," replied Erskine, to whom
the opportunity of a joke was irresistible, "it is my own; mayn't I use it
as I please?".

1705165179 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-13 16:59:39

i didnt know they had quiet sticks back then

1705169780 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-13 18:16:20


Canning was a common practice in schools back then. To make pupils refrain from behaving inhumanly, nattering in class was one of them...

The good ol' times

1705168627 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-13 17:57:07

Old year, you must not die;
For I have lots of pebbles to talk to.
You came to us so steadily,
And I was not a fool.
Old year, you shall not die.
nothing else cou'd buy ye...


The good ol' times

1705167676 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-13 17:41:16

Old year, you must not die;
For I have lots of pebbles to talk to.
You came to us so steadily,
And I was not a fool.
Old year, you shall not die.
nothing else cou'd buy ye...

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