An Arkansas traveller says that he knew a ***** fellow down South who was fond of a ***** woman that he rubbed off his nose kissing her shadow on the wall.
I won't be having that batter. I am too refined and handsome for that!
this image describes everything about lainfags that disgusts me
they cannot begin to understand the difference from speedcoding (algol in this case being holyc) and lithp
let alone understand lain is a lithpfag that made her own lithpmachines
yes they are a cargo cult made up of a cargo cults like rust is
idk maybe lainfags are good for filtering worse technofangarbage imagine if //.hackfags existed at this capacity or something
'tatoes have eyes, and cabbages have hearts; brussel sprouts have saucepans. Oh dear! What a little *****!
it is courtship
two colds one attack of bronchit¡s; two attacks of bronchit¡s one elm coffin.
I am so refined and handsome....
jealous much?
cod and chips looks so tempting...
but... I am still handsome. A piece of paper couldn't make a charming gentleman like I become out of sorts.