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1699317520 Name: Anonymous : 2023-11-07 00:38:40

we have to be careful the search engines are picking up on us

4 replies omitted. Click here to view.

1699374759 Name: Anonymous : 2023-11-07 16:32:39


isp really is iap

1699403149 Name: Anonymous : 2023-11-08 00:25:49

that dude looks positively ghoulish

1699424644 Name: Anonymous : 2023-11-08 06:24:04

1699403149 How dare you! That portrait was from 'handsome' folder

said fagmin:

1699387732 Name: Anonymous : 2023-11-07 20:08:52

>if he, the handsome poster, fails to make it obvious who he is when he tries to attention whore, and he doesn't disrupt anything, we can just leave it alone.

He didn't realise.... Kek.
We don't need your 'cucked' orbs's attentions, prat.

we all know that your orbs has been programmed to ignore posts containing my avatars, stylometry so stop telling lies to your orbs. It's sad that most orbs never realise that they are being indoctrinated by their owner.

This also implies that fagmin didn't open that 'accidental' text file thanks for drowning it out, my humble orb(s)

1699387771 Name: Anonymous : 2023-11-07 20:09:31

*admin P61466

The Lassie Medley 1 - /lambdamixes/, /ditties/, /jollydittles/

1699312542 Name: Anonymous : 2023-11-06 23:15:42

Oh me Lassie, me bonny bonnet Lassie
she loves proms like me pebbles do.
indeed she's me true love,
cause she's a bonnie bonnet Lassie
I'm gon' chuck me cake into the brook...


Domhnall where is your saucepan!?
let the sauce drips high let the sauce drips low
through the streets in me cake I'll go
all the fatties say yummy
Domhnall where's your saucepan!?


Harry Lauder - I Love a Lassie
Irish Rovers - Donald, Where's Your Trousers?


Ready! Ready! Ready! - /lambdamixes/

1699232134 Name: Anonymous : 2023-11-06 00:55:34

DUn Da dun DUN DUN! (El Nino!)

I feel like it's coming out

DUn Da dun DUN DUN! (El Nino!)

Let's go faster faster

DUn Da dun DUN DUN! (El Nino!)

My saucepan's hot!


You heat my saucepan up like El Nino
You heat my saucepan up like El Nino
You heat my saucepan up like El Nino

When you fire up new flour,
you put me precious cake inside,
It tickles when a saucepan don't shine
oh woah! woe the pain!

Oops I (said I)
had passion
to put my saucepan into the space
but it's still in my mansion

I'm ready ready ready!
To make my saucepan fly!
Boredom will disappear

I'm ready ready ready!
ready to fly with a saucepan!

You heat my saucepan up like El Nino
You heat my saucepan up like El Nino

DUn Da dun DUN DUN! (El Nino!)

DUn Da dun DUN DUN! (El Nino!)

1699240874 Name: Anonymous : 2023-11-06 03:21:14

what song is it based on
i need to listen along while i read the lyrics

1699312415 Name: Anonymous : 2023-11-06 23:13:35

Tata ***** - El Nin Yo!

unfortunately, this one doesn't strictly follow the song's structure. It was from the whisperer, he had his music on so loud! I decided to pick a few portions of his song and make a parody of it.

Even orbs have ears..


1699308020 Name: Anonymous : 2023-11-06 22:00:20

I was blissfully unaware that bliss really is bliss

1699308594 Name: Anonymous : 2023-11-06 22:09:54

*really was

Well, I would call it...

1699263969 Name: Anonymous : 2023-11-06 09:46:09

a microSAUCEPAN!

1699273169 Name: Anonymous : 2023-11-06 12:19:29

you sir are incorrect, my saucepan is of average size

1699295671 Name: Anonymous : 2023-11-06 18:34:31

1699273169 average really is average.

Mine is extra large, for holding me soup in cabbages...

Camouflage - /Lambdamixshorts/

1699295151 Name: Anonymous : 2023-11-06 18:25:51

Whoa! Oh! Whoa Oh! Camouflage!
sounds like soup in a cabbage for me!


Please, stop!

1699287618 Name: Anonymous : 2023-11-06 16:20:18

you've made me scared...


Oh Danny... - a ditty

1699255250 Name: Anonymous : 2023-11-06 07:20:50

Don't ever chop me sausage in a half
cause you've got smaller sausage than me
and stop grizzling upon your tiny sausaaaagggeee!
things are getting fluffy
as I have thrown your miniature sausage into the seaaaa!

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