im going to bed now but im feeling like bringing back threech
feeling will probably pass by morning but damn im bored with all the other sites
id actually do things right this time as well
why do i have to be teh only one retarded enough to try and save imageboards
uggghh wifie cant you save them instead
building a bridge to my box!!!
building a bridge to my box!!!
Let's fetch some new orbs, build a bridge to my box
I say! You have got so much arduum that I couldn't bear
but my orb panel is absolutely bare
Come back now baby
Stop giving me that 502!
Cause I don't like your red sausage!
building a bridge to my box!!!
building a bridge to my box!!!
Let's fetch some new orbs, build a bridge to my box
Stop right now, thank you very much.
Gonna need sausages to have some fun.
Hey you! All the cake has run
Never gonna slow down to have some fun..
holy shit is this real it cant be
my stalling image upload really btfo a random nameless ***** civilian nanotranny by tricking automod into false firing
>300 baud dialup BBSes
P71779 Mon 2024-01-08 03:58:40 link reply
yeah, that's what we boomers did. got my first VCR in 1984. there was no way to record shows before that. the front panel had a tiny row of buttons on it and you had to study a manual to figure out how to set it up to turn itself on and record a particular channel for an hour then shut off. the first thing I ever recorded was an episode of star trek. there was no internet. I ran one of a handful of 300 baud dialup BBSes in my area. we wardialed to find each other. programmers were worth their weight in gold. life was good.
Do I need to configure Privoxy or default settings work?
Silly glob!!!
Who's ready for a saucepan now?
who's ready for a sssaaaaauuuuuccceeeepppaaaannnn noooowww!!!?!???
my account userpanda1220
IT WORKS! grammar blotching works for stylometry-spoofing. Atleast mods won't touch that post
P72028 Tue 2024-01-09 23:51:02 link reply
hi jeff
so this is what youve been up to lately
do lambda faggots say 'film'?
or they say 'rolling a camera'?
"is the camera rolling?" Yeah I heard that from American film Monsters vs Aliens.