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Viewing thread: kek


1703947005 Name: Anonymous : 2023-12-30 14:36:45

posts **no text** ugly modern linux desktop on overboard, hoping that it will be moved to /spam/ but the post stay.

Damn! I *****ing hate biased moderations of this shithole...

now if you post Solaris desktop, ctwm without subject / desc. It is likely to get cucked.

1703947077 Name: Anonymous : 2023-12-30 14:37:57

I mean lambda not freebbs. newfags may confused

1703989297 Name: Anonymous : 2023-12-31 02:21:37


1703992637 Name: Anonymous : 2023-12-31 03:17:17

1703989297 glad to meet you again, my dearest orb. How are things?

1704004701 Name: Anonymous : 2023-12-31 06:38:21

i made cringe oc but i have no will to post it and i didnt get on in time for wifiorb

New thread
