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Viewing thread: The Last Terminal User

The Last Terminal User

1707767114 Name: Anonymous : 2024-02-12 19:45:14

Survivor's log date Mon Feb 12 19:05:59 UTC 1824

Using vim for job-related tasks
I have now finished my daily job
I like how handy the vim's typeover function is...

echo ...violence, following US move - The Times of Israel >

echo Man accused of flying from London to New York
without... > Newscast.txt
echo ...passport is arrested - BBC > Newscast.txt

"rds.bat" 176L, 4553B written 97,0-1 52%

1707893438 Name: Anonymous : 2024-02-14 06:50:38

1708530034 Name: Anonymous : 2024-02-21 15:40:34

Survivor's log date Mon Feb 12 15:32:49 UTC 1824

Found a new ascii coverter (better than jp2a)

Now trying to convert lambda's captcha to ASCII so I can solve it via serial terminals

Well, doesn't work very well , might need to find a captcha solver...

The image was downloaded off tor-browser, I have tried many cli-only tools out here (w3m, curl). None of them can save lambda captcha to .jpeg

user@localhost:~$ ascii-image-converter captcha.jpg -m " ./'*" -n
. .. .// ....... . ..... . ..
/.. .//.. . . ... //. /'/ .......
....... . ..../. ..// /.// // .// ..
./ .. . / .../. ../..... //......// . ..
... .... . .. .//.. ..... .'......../.. /
. . .. . . .. ..
.. ..
user@localhost:~$ ascii-image-converter captcha.jpg -m " ./'*^" -n
../. .//......... . ...//. ... ..
//. .//... /./ ... /'. /'/ .././/.
./..../ ...././. ./// /./' /' /'/...
./ // . / /.//. .//././. '/...../'' ..//
/./ .... .... /'/// .///. .'./.....///. /.
./.. .. / / .. ..
... ..
user@localhost:~$ ascii-image-converter captcha.jpg -m " ./'*^+" -n
./.// .'/..../.... /. ..././/. ... ..
/// .'/./. /./ /// ''. '*' ../////
./...// ....//// //// /./' '' /''.//
./. // ..' ///'/ ///.///. *'/..../'* ..//.
/./ ././ .... /''// ////...*//../../'// /.
././ .. ./ / ./ /.
./. //
user@localhost:~$ ascii-image-converter captcha.jpg -m " ./'*^+|" -n
./.// /''././/./.. /. ..////'. ... ./
''/ .''//. .'.' /// .'*. '*' //'////
///./// ././///'/ //'' .'/'* .'* .'*'.//
/'. /' ./.' ///'/ //'///// *'///../**...//.
/// ./// ..// /*'// .////../^//.////''// '.
././ /. .' / // //
.// //
user@localhost:~$ ascii-image-converter captcha.jpg -m " ./'*^+|:" -n
./.'/ /''.//////.. /. ..///''. ./. //
''/ .*'//. ..'.'. /// .'*. *^* //'/''/
/'////' ././/'/'/ /''' .'/'* .**. .'^*.//
/'. '' ./.* .'/''/ /''/'/'/ ^'/////'*^...''.
'/' //// /.// '**'' ./'''../^/'.////'*'/ '.
.'./ . .// .' ' // //
.// //
user@localhost:~$ ascii-image-converter captcha.jpg -m " ./'*^+|:_" -n
.'.'/ /**.///////. /. ..///''. ./. //
*'/ /**/'. ..'.'. ''' .*^/. *+* //''''/
/'///'' ././/''*'. /'** .*/*^ .*^. .'^*./'
/*. ''. ./.* .'''*' ''*/'''/ ^*'////'^^./.''.
.'/' /'/' /.// '^*'' ..''''/./+/'/////'*'' *.
.'./ . .// ..' ' // '/
.// /'

1708530292 Name: Anonymous : 2024-02-21 15:44:52

try solving that without looking at the answer

The captcha was:

1708784558 Name: Anonymous : 2024-02-24 14:22:38

The big bonfire has been readjusted...

Frankly it looks almost as good as the old cathode ray, died a month ago. This orb panel has got bright, lively colour. The black background is almost as solid as that of the old cathode ray. the 'bonfire' effect / artifacts, emitted by the green orbs, is barely seen...

Photo reshot'd..
Well, still, the colour(s) ain't as bright as seen with naked eyes. What an
inferiour chopping board.. I could get the black background right...

EDIT: it gives me eyes strain almost as quick as the cathode ray. The great thing about orbpanels is if your eyes couldn't tolerate it, you can tone the intensity of the bonfire down...

1708795878 Name: Anonymous : 2024-02-24 17:31:18

converting text to image files, circumving lambda censorship

There has been a word-filter request going on in /meta/ at the moment: "block incoming post with regex s+a+u+c+e+p+a+n". If that happens, we won't be able to post in near future. It is going to be like Nanochanray where posting a thread contains certain words (that are prohibited) e.g. "hikari", "lambda" returns "no data error".

But there is a workaround.

using ImageMagick

generate an image with the word "globby" by typing the following command:

convert -gravity center -background black -fill white -size 300x300 -font fixed caption:"globby" test.png

then convert to ascii (if you are on a serial terminal) to see the results

jp2a test.jpg

I'm using ascii-image-converter so the command would be...

ascii-image-converter test.jpg

Here's the results

== .=- :=:
.@@. :@@ *@+
.@@. :@% *@=
-#%%#*:=#: .@@. -*%%%#*- :@%.+#%%%*- *@=:*#%%#+. :#* *#.
.%@*-:-+@@@= .@@. :%@#-::=#@%. :@@@#-::=%@%. *@@%+-:-*@@+ #@* *@*
%@- :@@= .@@. %@= +@% :@@= *@# *@% .@@- @@: =@%
:@@ %@= .@@. :@@ .@@. :@@ :@@. *@+ *@* -@% .@@.
:@@. %@= .@@. .@@. :@@. :@@. -@@ *@* #@+ *@+ %@=
*@* *@@= .@@. *@#. .%@+ :@@#. :@@= *@@= +@%. @@#@*
=@@#*#%*%@- .@@. +@@#**#@%= :@%#@#*#%@%- *@*%%#*#@@*. -@@%
. :==-. %@: .. :====: .. .-==-. .. :=+=- .@@:
+@#. .#@* .:%@=
-#%%%%%#- +@@%=

upload using your favourite browser, I'm using w3m so:

inside the upload field

upload a file

| ~/test.png |


~/ is your /home folder
hit the post button with return and you are good to go

1708796548 Name: Anonymous : 2024-02-24 17:42:28

actually figlet can do that but I forgot the command now...

EDIT: it can't...

user@localhost:~$ ascii-image-converter test.png

.::. .::: .:: .::. . .::. :::. . ::.
:#+=+%# :%#+=+%- *% ## :%*++%# :#*=+*#. :@**++##. *%+=+#* .@*+=+%#
+@-. .: .- .:@# *@ #% .@+ .+..@*....@@ :@* %% -. ..*@. .@+ :@:
:+***+. :+*++=%# *% #% -@. -@+=++==+ :@: =@ =*++=*@. .@: :@:
+* :@+ @@ .@# *@. :@% %#. -@: %* .*- :@#. :@# =@: *@. .@- :@:
:*#***= :***+=+#= .*#*+=== +****- +#**#+ :@+***#= +**++=#* *: .*.

1708894320 Name: Anonymous : 2024-02-25 20:52:00

Found more figlet fonts

Cursive.flf 'SL Script.flf' red_phoenix.flf
Cyberlarge.flf 'Santa Clara.flf' rev.flf
Cybermedium.flf Script.flf rowancap.flf
Cybersmall.flf Serifcap.flf rusto.tlf
Cygnet.flf Shadow.flf rustofat.tlf
DANC4.flf Shimrod.flf s-relief.flf
'DOS Rebel.flf' Short.flf santaclara.flf
DWhistled.flf 'Slant Relief.flf' sblood.flf
'Dancing Font.flf' Slant.flf script.flf
Decimal.flf Slide.flf shadow.flf
'Def Leppard.flf' 'Small Caps.flf' slant.flf
'Delta Corps Priest 1.flf' 'Small Isometric1.flf' slscript.flf
Diamond.flf 'Small Keyboard.flf' small.flf
'Diet Cola.flf' 'Small Poison.flf' smallcaps.flf
Digital.flf 'Small Script.flf' smascii12.tlf
Doh.flf 'Small Shadow.flf' smascii9.tlf
Doom.flf 'Small Slant.flf' smblock.tlf
'Dot Matrix.flf' 'Small Tengwar.flf' smbraille.tlf
'Double Shorts.flf' Small.flf smisome1.flf
Double.flf Soft.flf smkeyboard.flf
'Dr Pepper.flf' Speed.flf smmono12.tlf
'Efti Chess.flf' Spliff.flf smmono9.tlf
'Efti Font.flf' Stacey.flf smpoison.flf
'Efti Italic.flf' Stampate.flf smscript.flf
'Efti Piti.flf' Stampatello.flf smshadow.flf
'Efti Robot.flf' Standard.flf smslant.flf
'Efti Wall.flf' 'Star Strips.flf' smtengwar.flf
'Efti Water.flf' 'Star Wars.flf' standard.flf
Electronic.flf Stellar.flf starstrips.flf
Elite.flf Stforek.flf starwars.flf
Epic.flf 'Stick Letters.flf' swampland.flf Stop.flf term.flf
Fender.flf Straight.flf threepoint.flf
Filter.flf 'Stronger Than All.flf' ticksslant.flf
'Fire Font-k.flf' Sub-Zero.flf twopoint.flf
'Fire Font-s.flf' 'Swamp Land.flf' upper.flc
Flipped.flf Swan.flf usaflag.flf
'Flower Power.flf' Sweet.flf ushebrew.flc
'Four Tops.flf' THIS.flf uskata.flc
Fraktur.flf Tanja.flf utf8.flc
'Fun Face.flf' Tengwar.flf wetletter.flf
'Fun Faces.flf' Term.flf wideterm.tlf
Fuzzy.flf Test1.flf
user@localhost:~/tuir$ figlet -f contessa I am the only handsome man on Eart an
d you are not
figlet: contessa: Unable to open font file
user@localhost:~/tuir$ figlet -f contessa.flf I am the only handsome man on Ear
t and you are not
figlet: contessa: Unable to open font file
user@localhost:~/tuir$ figlet -f Contessa I am the only handsome man on Eart an
d you are not
._. , . . . .
| _.._ _ -+-|_ _ _ ._ | . |_ _.._ _| __ _ ._ _ _ ._ _ _.._
_|_ (_][ | ) | [ )(/, (_)[ )|\_| [ )(_][ )(_]_) (_)[ | )(/, [ | )(_][ )
.___ , . ,
_ ._ [__ _.._.-+- _.._ _| . _ . . _.._. _ ._ _ -+-
(_)[ ) [___(_][ | (_][ )(_] \_|(_)(_| (_][ (/, [ )(_) |
user@localhost:~/tuir$ sudo rm -r /usr/share/figlet/figlet-fonts
sudo: unable to resolve host localhost.localdomain: Name or service not known
user@localhost:~/tuir$ figlet -f Contessa I am the only handsome man on Earth a
nd you are not

1709159097 Name: Anonymous : 2024-02-28 22:24:57

A North Wales paper thus begins one of its paragraphs:-"The inhabitants of Llanbedrgoch and the contiguous parish of Llanfairmathafarneithaf." A very pleasant sound those last 23 letters must have!

New thread
