also seems to be down pretty often not sure how keeping an irc channel up is so hard
1705299925 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-15 06:25:25
im not gay enough right now to join a nanotranny irc wifie i wasnt gay enough back then either lmao maybe if they finally add i2p and its not a denpa one idk 1705294273 teaanons are legitimately retarded
1705343163 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-15 18:26:03
1705299925 dont worry if things get too gay im going to dilute the native population with catchanners so far ive been able to mostly keep discussion related to ***** ***** and kid*****ery so i guess you could say its been going well
1705370821 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-16 02:07:01
1705343163 you missed the text in the filament those arent nanotrannys they are something like 3channers if those even exist majority of the hidden 1 user channels are lurking dilating seething malding nanotranny wiggiod poos
1705370935 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-16 02:08:55
damn yeah i need off cant even use nanotranny thumbnails correctly anymore sysorb fix my pooossts
1705551266 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-18 04:14:26
>* user2 has changed the topic to: ***** ***** discussion channel | share ***** linkz here | luv naked ***** | cunny cunny cunny CUNNY just doing my part good night freebbs 1705370821 chex out
1705552572 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-18 04:36:12
1705551266 gigachad 3topik
1705562535 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-18 07:22:15
>blood gushed out of a 3yo boy
Probably the most distastful thing I have ever read...
1705564085 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-18 07:48:05
bunny bunny bussy boi bunny tbfghlngltbhfambam
1705585677 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-18 13:47:57
I do not get that...
anyays, how do I join nanotrannies's vegan society? I'm using screen now.
1705585931 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-18 13:52:11
I mean fagmin's vegan affair...
1705699372 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-19 21:22:52
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