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Viewing thread: Now you have dissipated

Now you have dissipated

1704342063 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-04 04:21:03

Those Termux (termite) orbs might have bitten you to death, poor orb.

Orbs they will never learn, which software is malicious. They simply tell user to install harmful software and hope that they will live in a comfier place.

I shalt've listened to Android orbs's warning "This app might potentially break your device"

I shalt NOT plug my chopping board, which is afflicted with termite orbs, to a waffle maker to replenish the royal navy orbs!

1704361178 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-04 09:39:38

nah im still here did you forget to uninstall termux:boot
nothing you did should of broke the chopping board well from what you showed me
maybe try reinstalling orbot and checking the firewall rules not sure how you do that in current year
dont forget to clear all of orbots data and redo your card sets

1704361840 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-04 09:50:40

same with any latent termite orb bites and orbworking rules
remember that from when i was a george
dont think it will fix orbot that shit is buggy maybe a reboot after reinstall will

1704375244 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-04 13:34:04


yes, my dearest orb. I've downloaded Orbot from google play repo. It works now.

1704375871 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-04 13:44:31

now my chopping board randomly clean itself up more frequent while orbot is running in background. What should I do? Saucepanchat please? THIS IS URGENT!

1704376154 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-04 13:49:14

ah well come get me again when you get over your fear of termite orbs im no longer so mad
i was triple types of mad when i recommended you to use termux my apologies twas orbionk enorbus and orbilirvs
you should have no termite orbs on your chopping board anymore unless you arent telling me something

1704376333 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-04 13:52:13

im on but you arent there and im not sure how to fix such a problem im guessing gapps orbot needs to clean more
you really need a mobile***** orb sir georgy

1704376632 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-04 13:57:12

maybe a certain option thats on by default on orbot causes it clean alot
you dont like this but im thinking tors tproxy autorouting is really heavy
maybe orbot shares alot of bandwidth but i dont think its that
probably some garbage nsa telemetry in gapps apis leaking all the orb data

1704376762 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-04 13:59:22

shares my bad thats i2p
when i used orbot a decade ago by default it acted as a relay

1704377184 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-04 14:06:24

dumb guess torb project provides an uptodate repo for fdroid and you should use that orbot instead of gapps and fdroids default
not sure if that will fix orbot being *****ing bloated garbage

1704387597 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-04 16:59:57

>when you get over your fear of termite orbs

For I do not care frankly. What concerned I is: time. Spending 6 hours just to get a single thing to work is overkill but Christmas and New Year's Eve are officially over now. I will have more free time, as usual. On public holidays, I usually have plethoras of mandatory tasks to do.

If my chopping board went awry I have nothing to lose as I have two slates for newspapers. A chewing gum for receiving calls. Also, my lambda orb box has no relations with BSD waffle maker whatsoever. You, and your fellow orbs, are ones who get direct effect upon it.

1704388725 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-04 17:18:45


>maybe a certain option thats on by default on orbot causes it clean alot

Yes, my chopping board, when it cleans things up. It wipes access memory too. (e.g. if you are listening / recording frequency-modulated orbs, in the air, vibrating your speakers, it stopped)

>probably some garbage nsa telemetry in gapps apis leaking all the orb data

Hopefully, the NSA (incl. their orbs) enjoyed viewing those handsome men portraits. For I do not need TENS anymore.

I'd like to meet the NSA in my finest stovepipe hat but they are probably not interested in an innocent handsome poster like I. *****philes, drug dealers are their targets, I reckon.

1704389987 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-04 17:39:47

you asked for too much 6 hours is pleb numbers here especially when you are learning
histy what tf are you running on that chopping board its overloaded

1704390259 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-04 17:44:19

also i revoke that doe nation again histy bit teehee tbh

1704391697 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-04 18:08:17


>also i revoke that doe nation again histy bit teehee tbh

I didn't know that I could also receive doe money from orbs.


you asked for too much 6 hours is pleb numbers here especially when you are learning ngmi

What da dooth are pleb numbers


Nein Go Mining for Iron?

>histy what tf are you running on that chopping board its overloaded

Orbot and FM Radio + Recording

1704392333 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-04 18:18:53

i missed the chance to say doegoy for donation tbhhhh
>What da dooth are pleb numbers
numbers the unwashed masses are at not noble orb tier
>Nein Go Mining for Iron?
never going make it
go grind that bsdm techpain xp histywisty
>Orbot and FM Radio + Recording
really underpowered chopping board consider this 1704377184 you do not need my help and i hate fagdroid
maybe rebooting will fix the issue idk tbh im not sparking beyond here

1704395981 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-04 19:19:41


>i hate fagdroid

I say!

(Like I hate contact-tracing apps, the plague of 2020 - 2022 era)

1704396308 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-04 19:25:08

if you get it histywisty go setup squid on the waffle maker to point at orbdroids open socks port
you really shouldnt need my help for that
biggest mistake was letting orbunkness get to me eehee

1704396978 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-04 19:36:18

know what im still orbunk and orbpressed squid is still useless
time for historical privoxy
going discharge plasma while i orbrest vary orbpressed

1704416515 Name: Anonymous : 2024-01-05 01:01:55


privoxy really is privoxy

New thread
