i have many schizo theories but fagmin seams like an extremity unpaid glow***** shadow patch that does this weird shit
ive seen this glowie run sites like tfw i can tell by the stylometry and the need to rulecuck in a weird way then claim the assailant is some type of bogyeman but not bogyeman or that they are ruining the site for everyone else (nobody) or simply shit out a patchism like "you are not being original adhere to r9k like everyone else (nobody)"
the easiest way to identify this glow***** is they have some weird neuroticism about everyone needing the site and wanting to use it seriously this is even worse and different from patch who can at minimum make an us vs them false dichotomy or whatever for the theme of the patchan xhe choose that time
mallwhore is a fitting avatarfag for all this schizo vomit i just made that fagmin is eating up