1694099725 Name: Anonymous : 2023-09-07 15:15:25
i need this to gangstalk my husbandu
1720925278 Name: Anonymous : 2024-07-14 02:47:58
1720984313 Name: Anonymous : 2024-07-14 19:11:53
1720991649 Name: Anonymous : 2024-07-14 21:14:09
cute orbs u've got here sysorb
1729246021 Name: Anonymous : 2024-10-18 10:07:01
1729256297 Name: Anonymous : 2024-10-18 12:58:17
Sure. but they don't come to the chat.
1729256342 Name: Anonymous : 2024-10-18 12:59:02
FreeBBS telnet's MUC, I meant.
1729264964 Name: Anonymous : 2024-10-18 15:22:44
ey look its sysorb did sixel finally get added
1729298856 Name: Anonymous : 2024-10-19 00:47:36
1729318062 Name: Anonymous : 2024-10-19 06:07:42
I don't think sixorbs is gonna be a good idea because I tried it on slow terminals and it jammed forever.
1729321440 Name: Anonymous : 2024-10-19 07:04:00
Not yet. I have to implement zmodem before.
1729508905 Name: Anonymous : 2024-10-21 11:08:25

zmodem on netcat sounds painful
1729515719 Name: Anonymous : 2024-10-21 13:01:59
So, how could images be uploaded?
1729517230 Name: Anonymous : 2024-10-21 13:27:10
not me but you upload sixels directly
pretty sure you can already do that too its more of a matter of formatting them into planes
1729525691 Name: Anonymous : 2024-10-21 15:48:11
Do you mean to upload the image by pasting sixels to the xterm?
1729530449 Name: Anonymous : 2024-10-21 17:07:29
well what else are you using to see sixels
its more of a matter of doing what tmux does with sixels but for the telnet
1729534562 Name: Anonymous : 2024-10-21 18:16:02
inb4 the captcha expires:
To post sixel content you have to be able to send the sixel data to the telnet command r or p and then jizzbbs saves it to the data base. Then, when viewing the post, jizzbbs will send the sixel data rawly to the user's session and, if the user is under a sixel compatible terminal he will see the final image.
The question is how to post sixel data:
1: telnet: via zmodem file upload (from a zmodem compatible terminal client)
2: interwebs: via multipart POST data. The user can upload a .png or .jpeg file and, in case the post is viewed via telnet, jizzbbs should on-the-fly convert the image to six data and thrown to the user's session. In case of the user is viewing the post from an interwebs browser, jizzbbs will send the original png, jpeg...
1729534795 Name: Anonymous : 2024-10-21 18:19:55
In example.
On xterm, once a sixel is viewed (via cat or convert,ie), you can not copy it with the mouse.
It could be nice to have the possibility to copy the raw sixel data and then paste it to the telnet bbs session, to a new post or reply. It could be done already because it's not a matter of jizz data processing. It's just data to be interpreted by the terminal client.
But it doesn't seem to be possible to copy that data and then paste it.
1729546404 Name: Anonymous : 2024-10-21 21:33:24
sixel isnt anything more than a bunch of control characters and its possible to identify said control characters
but i get it youre trying to make it work with real telnet clients
xterm has (((extensions))) for that nothing standard of course
1729549009 Name: Anonymous : 2024-10-21 22:16:49
if you have ever heavily used sixels before theres many issues that must be addressed for something like this
sixels which take up more space than is available on the terminal will fail to render and be "lost" for many terminals hence its required to do heavy duty work on sixels like tmux currently does
sixels can theoretically use 24bit but at best libsixel does 15bit last i checked sixels can only be the end result in this system youve already thought up solutions to that but consider how freebbs isnt storing images right now
its huge especially at 24bit you dont really want to force telnet to autoload sixels for everyone consider someone who likes telnet running at 1bps
freebbs has no database for images and that is against the site owners design at best outside of muc images would be fetched from blackcloud then rendered as sixels
guess stuff that gets posted should be uploaded externally too but freebbs doesnt do that for base64 and im not even sure if the site owner is running blackcloud its really cucky
1729549146 Name: Anonymous : 2024-10-21 22:19:06
base64 <img>
havent posted here in a while
1729621862 Name: Anonymous : 2024-10-22 18:31:02
A solution I propose:
Posting sixel image data:
1: Add an external editor so users can post multiline.
2: The user, with the external editor, pastes base64'd sixel data embedded within the post text.
Viewing sixel image data:
1: As sixel image data has been embedded within the post, jizzbbs must recognize this kind of data, de-base64 it and send it to the terminal.
2: The user would eventually view the post's body with the embedded images within text.
Apart from adding external editor support to jizzbbs, it should handle:
1: detect the client's terminal emulator or telnet client supports sixels.
2: recognize base64ed sixel data and process it for its viewing.
1729622224 Name: Anonymous : 2024-10-22 18:37:04
This way there's no need to upload the images to third party services i.e. black cloud. And there's no need to add attachment support to the jizzbbs database.
All the images would be embedded in the same post's body.
The only caveat is the user would have to base64 encode the already made sixel images and paste the encoded ascii data to the body. I don't know which method would be more tricky, zmodem or this one.
1729673761 Name: Anonymous : 2024-10-23 08:56:01
not sure if thats really acceptable and doing a full blown editor when it can just start taking input of either sixel of base64 is kinda ass
also consider this freebbs can easily go use libsixel to do the conversion
1729844290 Name: Anonymous : 2024-10-25 08:18:10
A multiline editor can make it easier for the poster to format the body with all the text and sixel (base64ed) parts.
Now there's no editor and the text must be entered in the same post command.
Wit a multiline editor, the user can enter the post command with captcha and subject as arguments and then the editor comes up to write the body in. Like mutt does.
1730230247 Name: Anonymous : 2024-10-29 19:30:47
maybe so or you could have upload slots with keys for them
last attempts with an extremely small vi and using sockets for the stdout and stdin kinda failed
1730905046 Name: Anonymous : 2024-11-06 14:57:26
Upload slots? do you mean to give a token to be used to upload a file from http?
1730934472 Name: Anonymous : 2024-11-06 23:07:52
no a token gets generated when uploading from over telnet
web could do that too yes
these tokens can be used to post attachments